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Un/Worlding Solidarity: On Queer Tourism as Biopolitical Means to Elliptical Ends
Keywords: Social movements, Tourism, Queer, Biopolitics, Mobilities, Worlding Abstract Type: Paper Abstract
D. Alex Piña, University of California, Irvine
Solidarity is often imagined as a future-oriented project of collectively making worlds otherwise. Yet contemporary practices of coalition-building rely upon spatially dispersed publics for whom the stakes of resistance are as varied as the geographies from which they agitate. In our hyperconnected world of stratified mobilities, presence is a political act. This paper asks what tourism can reveal about the instability of identity and attachments to place. Through the concept of “un/worlding”––a reworking of Jose Esteban Muñoz (2009) and Martin Manalansan’s (2015) formulations of queer worldings–– I explore how queer tourism operates as a biopolitical practice that facilitates elliptical solidarities. Such transient, place-disruptive encounters reveal the instability of belonging and the blurring of conventional biopolitical boundaries under capitalism’s commodification of bodies and identities. And, I argue, it is the messiness of belonging’s entanglement with violence and consumption (Valencia, 2010) that can make possible the renegotiation of entrenched, seemingly uncontestable, multi-scalar power dynamics that direct (im)mobilities.
Un/Worlding Solidarity: On Queer Tourism as Biopolitical Means to Elliptical Ends
Paper Abstract
Submitted by:
D. Alex Piña University of California - Irvine dapina@uci.edu