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El Niño and Food Security
Keywords: El Niño, food security Abstract Type: Virtual Paper Abstract
Farahnoz Sanginova, University of Colorado Denver
Ivan J Ramirez, University of Colorado Denver
Authors: Farah Sanginova (University of Colorado Denver), Ivan J. Ramírez (University of Colorado Denver) Abstract El Niño Southern Oscillation is a climate phenomenon which alters climate patterns leading to anomalous changes in temperatures, weather and rainfall in regions of Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. The shifts in climate threaten food security by negatively impacting agricultural production, increasing water scarcity and damaging livestock health. For example, droughts and floods damage crops and reduce crop yield of wheat. These impacts on agriculture can lead to malnutrition which makes populations more susceptible to infections, respiratory diseases as well as mental health illnesses. In this research, I reviewed reports from UN agencies such as the Food and Agriculture Organization and World Health Organization and humanitarian organizations such as Red Cross Red Crescent to understand societal and anticipatory action responses to the impacts of the recent El Niño in 2023-24. Preliminary results and significance of this research will be discussed.