Food Environment and Health
The session recording will be archived on the site until June 25th, 2023
This session was streamed but not recorded
Date: 3/26/2023
Time: 2:40 PM - 4:00 PM
Room: Capitol Ballroom 2, Hyatt Regency, Fourth Floor
Type: Paper,
Theme: Toward More Just Geographies
Curated Track:
Sponsor Group(s):
Geographic Information Science and Systems Specialty Group, Health and Medical Geography Specialty Group
He Jin Unviersity of South Florida
Lu Yongmei Texas State University
He Jin University of South Florida
There is an increasing interest in understanding food environments and the associations between food environments and health. Food environment includes accessibility to retail food stores, restaurants, and other food sources, and racial, socioeconomic, and cultural disparities to access these food sources; it also includes the availability, quality, price, labeling, and advertising of food products. With the continuous advances in theory, data, and modeling techniques, research in food environments and related health impacts has seen great progress. This in-person session invites papers that focus on uncertainties and challenging issues in measuring food environments and their relationship with health outcomes. These challenges and uncertainties include, but are not limited to:
• Innovative methods on geographic accessibility to food outlets, including activity space spatio-temporal models, etc. to understand the role of food environment exposure on health across space and time.
• Novel methods on measuring socioeconomic, cultural, racial/ethnic disparities to food outlets.
• Evaluating consumer food environment (e.g., food availability, prices, quality, and advertising) in deprived vs. non-deprived communities.
• Individual-level research of urban food environment and health outcome
• Longitudinal and experimental/quasi-experimental research designs in food environments or health outcomes.
• The uncertainties in measuring food environments and their relationship with health.
• How do land use/cover or natural disasters (such as tornadoes) affect the local food environment (e.g., farmers’ markets closure) and further affect people’s health?
• How are food shopping and purchasing decisions related to food environments and health?
• Using big data (such as Twitter and Weibo) to describe and understand people’s eating habits and behaviors, as well as attitudes towards healthy eating in urban and rural settings.
• How do behavioral change and weight loss interventions contribute to changes in the food environment and health, as well as the intervention effectiveness?
• Targeting policy and interventions for urban food environment management to reduce health inequities.
If you are interested in joining this session, please submit your paper abstract in the 2023 AAG annual meeting website and email your paper title, abstract, and AAG PIN to the session organizers below by Dec 20, 2022:
He Jin (University of South Florida;
Yongmei Lu (Texas State University,
Presentations (if applicable) and Session Agenda:
Daniel Block, Chicago State University |
Food Access in Maps, Newspapers, and Public Health in the United States |
Felix Haifeng Liao, University of Idaho |
Accessibility to emergency or community food services and public transit in Seattle, WA |
Mahbubur Meenar |
Community perceptions of the small-town food environment, home gardening, and food equity |
Non-Presenting Participants
Role | Participant |
Food Environment and Health
Type: Paper,
Date: 3/26/2023
Time: 2:40 PM - 4:00 PM
Room: Capitol Ballroom 2, Hyatt Regency, Fourth Floor
Contact the Primary Organizer
He Jin Unviersity of South Florida