Racial and Ethnic Trajectories of Census Tracts across the United States: 1990-2020
Keywords: Neighborhood Change; Urban Analytics; Census
Abstract Type: Paper Abstract
Elizabeth Delmelle, University of Pennsylvania
Isabelle Nilsson, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Nathan Duma, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
The release of the 2020 decennial census presents an opportunity to revisit how Census Tracts have changed according to their racial and ethnic makeup. In this presentation, we use national longitudinal census tract data from the NHGIS to develop a typology of racial trajectories from 1990 to 2020. To develop our typology, we apply an unsupervised, time-series clustering method based on Dynamic Time Warping to the longitudinal share of Black, White, and Hispanic residents in all US tracts. We then perform a cross-classification of tracts for these three groups to understand changing racial and ethnic trends. Finally, we map and explore geographic variations by population growth, socioeconomic characteristics, and location in this classification nationwide. We also discuss computation challenges of developing a national typology.
Racial and Ethnic Trajectories of Census Tracts across the United States: 1990-2020
Paper Abstract