UAS Symposium Poster
The session recording will be archived on the site until June 25th, 2023
This session was streamed but not recorded
Date: 3/24/2023
Time: 12:50 PM - 2:10 PM
Room: Plaza Ballroom, Sheraton, Concourse Level - Exhibit Hall
Type: Poster,
Curated Track:
Sponsor Group(s):
Remote Sensing Specialty Group
Stephanie Rogers Auburn University
Bo Yang SJSU
Timothy Hawthorne UCF
Grayson Morgan UofSC
Grayson Morgan University of South Carolina
UAS Symposium, AAG 2023: Call for abstracts
Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Unoccupied Aerial Systems (UASs) have found a place in geographic research and teaching both in the United States and globally. Scholars have found UAVs/UASs to be effective personal remote sensing devices for addressing theoretical and empirical questions in a multitude of topics. Geography departments and departments with geographic interests and applications, in all levels of academia have found particular uses for UAS in instruction and research. UAS classes are being filled by the next generation of geographers eager to learn how to use this new platform for solving (and creating new) geospatial questions.
This two-day UAS Symposium will examine the current status and future of UAS across multiple disciplines through a series of paper presentations, a poster session, a keynote address, and panel of experts to discuss challenges and goals moving forward. Scholars using UAS in their research and teaching, those planning to use them in the future, or those who have a vested interest in how UAS may be integrated into geography departments and departments in related disciplines, are invited to participate in these sessions. Please contact Grayson Morgan (, Stephanie Rogers (, Bo Yang ( or Tim Hawthorne ( to participate.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
• Mapping landscape and forest cover change
• Archaeology and cultural resource management
• UAS in landscapes and applications in land rights related inquiries
• UAS with LiDAR sensor applications
• UAS with thermal sensor applications
• Resource extraction and sustainable harvesting
• Natural resource monitoring and management
• Natural hazard assessment
• Geomorphological and fluvial process modeling
• Coastal mapping and oceanography
• Climate change and sustainability
• Computational advances in computer vision and structure from motion
• UAS in the college curriculum
• UAS in participatory data collection approaches
• UAS in K-12 educational settings
• Critiques of UAS and autonomous systems applications and ethical concerns
Presentations (if applicable) and Session Agenda:
Anthony Filippi, Texas A&M University |
Geospatial object-based image analysis (GEOBIA) and Endmember-based Land-Cover Classification of Narrow-Band Remote-Sensor Image Data |
Hope Long |
Using Drone Technology to Map Nature Works Park |
Christopher DeRolph, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Habitat and periphyton mapping in small forested streams via UAS |
Scott Graves, Southern Connecticut State University |
Osprey’s View of a Curious Natural Perched Beach, Guilford, CT - µUAS Aerial Mapping |
Identification and Counting of betel nut tree from UAV Imagery by Deep Learning |
Kirsten Sanders |
Defining Temporally Variable Urban Turfgrass Irrigation Zones with ECa or Thermal IR Drone Data |
Robin Cirrincione |
Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve’s Macroalgae Blooms: A Longitudinal Study |
Edna Fernandez-Figueroa |
Automated fish kill species distribution and abundance acquired from drone imagery |
Ruth Kerry, Brigham Young University |
Mapping Volumetric Water Content at Multiple Depths using Drone Data and Machine Learning to Inform Variable Rate Irrigation |
Non-Presenting Participants
Role | Participant |
UAS Symposium Poster
Type: Poster,
Date: 3/24/2023
Time: 12:50 PM - 2:10 PM
Room: Plaza Ballroom, Sheraton, Concourse Level - Exhibit Hall
Contact the Primary Organizer
Stephanie Rogers Auburn University