Refusing the imaginaries of violence through pedagogical possibilities
The session recording will be archived on the site until June 25th, 2023
This session was streamed but not recorded
Date: 3/23/2023
Time: 12:50 PM - 2:10 PM
Room: Capitol Ballroom 5, Hyatt Regency, Fourth Floor
Type: Panel, Hybrid session with both in-person and virtual presenters
Theme: Toward More Just Geographies
Curated Track:
Sponsor Group(s):
Latinx Geographies Specialty Group
Pamela Sertzen Ithaca College
Patricia Lopez Dartmouth College
Flavia Maria Lake University of California, Los Angeles
Latinx Geography (LxG) is an interdisciplinary field that follows an activist tradition and looks across borders to examine the intersectional identities of the people who can be embraced under the umbrella term Latinx (Muñoz and Ybarra 2019). LxG has nuanced and complicated how place can be understood beyond borders to recognize the trans-national/ -regional/ -local kinship and solidarity that eschew positivistic imaginings of place. As an expansive field, how do emergent scholars teach Latinx Geography? With fascism, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigenous, and other oppressive forces on the rise, we recognize a desire and the need to hold space for ourselves as facilitators, and the students in our classes.
In this panel, we put forth a model of interrelated and interdependent pedagogical techniques to address the following -
* “What is Latinx pedagogy?”:
* How do we teach in moments of struggle - inside and outside of the academy?
* How does a Latinx Pedagogy make space for the co-creation of knowledge(s) in ways that refuse the violences of the academy?
* What is made possible through thinking collectively about a Latinx Pedagogy?
* What does it mean to challenge the broader discipline of Geography through a Latinx Pedagogy?
Drawing from almost two (2) years of active engagement during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Latinx Geographies Pedagogies working group emerged as a way to think through the above questions through virtual collaborative spaces of healing. Through an interactive hybrid panel centering co-created knowledge(s), the Latinx Geographies Pedagogies working group will host an active engagement and diálogo. We blur the lines between panelists and participants to model how we can reimagine the pedagogical possibilities that embrace and honor those who came before us, acknowledge our present, and move us juntxs toward a liberatory future.
Presentations (if applicable) and Session Agenda:
American Association of Geographers |
Refusing the imaginaries of violence through pedagogical possibilities |
Non-Presenting Participants
Role | Participant |
Panelist | Leonor Vanik |
Panelist | Guillermo Douglass-Jaimes Pomona College |
Panelist | Rodrigo Narro Pérez McMaster University |
Panelist | Luis Trujillo University of California, Santa Cruz |
Discussant | Megan Ybarra University of Washington |
Refusing the imaginaries of violence through pedagogical possibilities
Type: Panel, Hybrid session with both in-person and virtual presenters
Date: 3/23/2023
Time: 12:50 PM - 2:10 PM
Room: Capitol Ballroom 5, Hyatt Regency, Fourth Floor
Contact the Primary Organizer
Pamela Sertzen Ithaca College