Do people care about others' opinions of places? Utilizing crowdsourced data and deep learning to model peoples’ review patterns
Keywords: Agent-Based Modeling, Crowdsourcing, Deep Learning, GeoAI, Opinion Dynamics, Urban Analytics
Abstract Type: Paper Abstract
Boyu Wang University at Buffalo
Andrew Crooks University at Buffalo
People's opinions are one of the defining factors that turn spaces into meaningful places. While these opinions are subject to individual differences, they can also be influenced by the opinions from others. Online platforms such as Yelp allow users to publish their reviews on businesses. To understand reviewers' opinion formation processes and the emergent patterns of published opinions, we utilize geospatial artificial intelligence (GeoAI) techniques especially that of aspect-based sentiment analysis methods (a deep learning approach) on a geographically explicit Yelp dataset to extract and categorize reviewers' opinion aspects on places within urban areas. Such data is then used as a basis to inform an agent-based model, where reviewers' (i.e., agents') opinions are characterized by opinion dynamics. The parameters of these models are calibrated using extracted opinion aspects from the Yelp dataset. Such a method moves opinion dynamics models away from theoretical concepts to a more data-driven approach, with a specific emphasis being made on place. Focusing on 10 US metropolitan areas which are spread out across the country, we examine the calibrated influence coefficients for each opinion aspect category (e.g., location, experience, service), to compare reviewers' opinion formation processes across different categories. The results show the emergent patterns of reviewers' opinions and the influence of these opinions on others. As such this work demonstrates how using deep learning techniques on geospatial data can help advance our understanding of place and cities more generally.
Do people care about others' opinions of places? Utilizing crowdsourced data and deep learning to model peoples’ review patterns
Paper Abstract
Submitted By:
Boyu Wang
This abstract is part of a session: Future Directions for Urban Analytics and City Science III: Deep Learning and Image Analysis