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Improving Materials Recovery in Poland: The Case of KMPO in Krakow
Keywords: Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), Recycling, Poland, European Union (EU) Abstract Type: Poster Abstract
John Bodenman, Commonwealth University
Isabella Webb, Commonwealth University
This project examines the opportunities and challenges of waste management and recycling, focusing specifically on Krakow Municipal Waste Company (KMPO) and the facility in Krakow, Poland which has made significant gains in recyclable materials recovery since Poland’s accession into the European Union (EU) in May 2004. EU extended producer responsibility (EPR) regulations, combined with German technology (SUTCO), relatively inexpensive Polish labor, and a policy commitment in Poland to increase rates of recycling, has led to rapid increases in rates of materials recovery, particularly for plastics. This study utilizes a field work and case study approach to highlight the processes and successes of KMPO in Krakow, including practices that could be adopted in the United States and elsewhere to improve materials recovery. Potential waste prevention approaches are also highlighted, with suggestions for creating an eco-friendly waste management environment.
Improving Materials Recovery in Poland: The Case of KMPO in Krakow