Sustainable Development Approaches: Studying social, economic, spatial, and physical dynamics of Lynwood, Illinois
Keywords: sustainable, development, environment, intergenerational, social, economic, spatial
Abstract Type: Poster Abstract
Shelia Ann Edwards, Chicago State University
Sustainable Development Approaches:
Studying social, economic, spatial, and physical dynamics of the Lynwood Illinois Neighborhood
Modern Day Mayberry, Middle-class Black Suburb
The goal of this study was to investigate social, economic, and spatial dynamics of Lynwood neighborhood to examine how its structure is socially, culturally and spatial friendly. To do that, a focus group was designed to collect data about people perception, satisfaction, and dissatisfactions. We developed the theoretical framework of this study on Sustainable Development approaches and goals. The focus group fit into the theoretical framework of this study on Sustainable Development approaches. We measured Lynwood’s neighborhood sustainability, socio-economic and spatial conditions. The sustainable development encourages creation of health and equal cities where different races, ethnicities, ages, and gender live together and create an intergenerational environment. We found that the Village of Lynwood is a diverse community and with an aging population, they do reflect an intergenerational environment. Lynwood is a middle class Black suburb with a median income of $80,789. The population as of the 2020 Census is 9,136. We compare Lynwood with Mayberry from the Andy Griffith Show (1969) because of the similarities of laid back living, tree lined neighborhoods, and a great place to raise a family.
Sustainable Development Approaches: Studying social, economic, spatial, and physical dynamics of Lynwood, Illinois
Poster Abstract
Submitted by:
Shelia Edwards Chicago State University
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