Lords of the ‘West’ and their Quest for Armageddon: Palestine and it’s 100 Year Tryst with Western Civilization
Keywords: Israel, Palestine, Antisemitism, Islamophobia, Gaza
Abstract Type: Paper Abstract
Waquar Ahmed, University of North Texas
The West insists that history of events and phenomenon begins on the dates of its choice. The West insisted that we saw the birth of terrorism on 9-11, when apparently those that hate our freedom, attacked us. And now, for over a year, the West insists that Hamas disrupted peace in Gaza and Israel on October 7, with its love for violence, killing, beheading of children, rape of women and many others. I challenge the a-contextual narrative about Palestine.
This paper, drawing upon the dialectical materialist tradition, examines Palestine in a geopolitical context and the threat that Palestinian freedom poses to Western Capitalism. I also contextualize the over one hundred years of Palestinian dispossession that was imposed by a colonial act of aggression on account of the Balfour declaration of 1917. Dispossession, in the form of partition without consent of the native population, has also been legitimized by Eurocentric and colonial international laws and United Nations that largely represented the will and interests of the victors of the Second World War (WWII) or the colonial powers in 1948. Additionally, I explain how certain powerful groups in the West (particularly U.S. and U.K.) have been misusing religion or Christianity as a cover for racism or Islamophobia in denying Palestinians even the right to articulate their humanity, their equality.
I conclude by examining the growing economic, political and military might of the Global South and non-NATO alliances. What could possibly be the Implications for the global order and for Palestine and its struggle for freedom?
Lords of the ‘West’ and their Quest for Armageddon: Palestine and it’s 100 Year Tryst with Western Civilization
Paper Abstract
Submitted by:
Waquar Ahmed University of North Texas
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