On the way to mobility justice – lessons from Germany´s “9-euro-ticket”
Keywords: mobility justice, social exclusion, mobility behavior, public transport
Abstract Type: Paper Abstract
Claudia Hille, University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
Access to the mobility system is a fundamental prerequisite for social inclusion. Previous research has shown that people affected by financial poverty are at risk of mobility-related social exclusion. Against this background, my paper examines the effects of the so-called “9-euro-ticket” in Germany in summer 2022 on the mobility and social participation of low-income households. Using a written household survey in the city of Erfurt, 1,157 people were asked about their mobility behavior after the introduction of the ticket, the overall frequency of various leisure activities and reasons for using it.
The result of the statistical analysis shows that the introduction of the 9-euro-ticket at an individual level has enabled more mobility and in particular increased the use of public transport for almost half of the ticket holders. This also affects the frequency of certain leisure activities. In particular, the lower income groups have pursued significantly more leisure activities than before the introduction of the 9-euro-ticket. The supplementary qualitative analysis of over 450 written comments also revealed how positively the improved access to the mobility system affected the quality of life of low-income households. The ticket has not only made it much easier to maintain social contacts and proven itself as an effective remedy to tackle loneliness, the qualitative evaluation also shows how large and complex the gains in social participation are at an individual level.
Based on the results of the study I will discuss ways to a more equitable mobility system for all in the conclusion.
On the way to mobility justice – lessons from Germany´s “9-euro-ticket”
Paper Abstract