Forging spaces for peacebuilding: Corrymeela, Northern Ireland
Keywords: peace building, positive peace, shared space, conflict resolution
Abstract Type: Paper Abstract
Kara E. Dempsey, UNC-Appalachian State University
In areas of contention in post-conflict space, the role of establishing “safe places” can be transformative for future development within a divided community. Much of Northern Ireland remains divided as it continues to emerge from a prolonged struggle, including a period of marked violence known as “the Troubles”. This conflict resulted in the loss of thousands of lives and persistent residential and social segregation. This paper examines Corrymeela’s Ballycastle Centre, an intentionally designed space that is utilized to encourage positive “cross-border” engagement. Its mission is to dismantle the spatial and social impacts of divisive nationalism and “othering”. This paper will explore how this community works to build peace through spatial practices of cooperation, respect, and deep listening to foster “positive peace” in an otherwise divided society.
Forging spaces for peacebuilding: Corrymeela, Northern Ireland
Paper Abstract