Space(s) in conflict intervention data: A review
Keywords: Conflict intervention data, international organizations, regional organizations, spatial information, Africa
Abstract Type: Paper Abstract
Skollan Elisabeth Warnck, Leipzig University
In the last decades, different types of data projects on conflict intervention have proliferated. Researchers and policymakers alike have tried to make sense of different intervening actors, their military and non-military practices (e.g., peacekeeping and/or mediation) as well as their implementation successes. Echoing trends in data production on conflict dynamics, particular efforts have been directed at gathering disaggregated spatio-temporal data. Despite this apparent acceleration of knowledge production, cross-cutting reviews of existing intervention data projects are scarce and categories on spatial information are seldomly reviewed. In this review contribution, I address this shortcoming and place particular emphasis on spatial dimensions of intervention data. Focusing on international and regional organizations as well as the African context, I ask: How are social spaces conceptualized in data projects (datasets/databases) concerned with conflict intervention? I distinguish three different ways in which intervention spaces are conceptualized, namely as 1) fine-grained grid/point data, as 2) ‘containers’, or 3) as implicit references appearing through the specific intervention type. On this basis, I draw attention to advantages and disadvantages of different spatial categories. This paper argues that different types of data projects shape our understanding and knowledge of where conflict interventions take place and how they are and can be visibilized. I posit to advance data-driven research on non-military conflict intervention practices of African regional organizations, which is attentive to diverse socio-spatial dimensions. This does not only bring in diverse actors and agency but may also complicate understandings of intervention practices and, inter-relatedly, social spaces.
Space(s) in conflict intervention data: A review
Paper Abstract